Monday, November 27, 2006

It snowed yesterday and today! Because of that I didn't have to work, which is the beez knees. Here are some pictures.

This is the snowman that Morgan built last night.

This is when we found out that we didn't have to work. Morgan was really happy.

Luka and I went to Deceptions Pass and tooks some photos. Pretty huh?

Hopfully it will be the same tomorrow. Not working is awesome. Not too much longer and I will be home for Christmas along with Luka. We are both excited. See ya soon.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hello all. I am speaking to you from beyond the house. Ha Ha! We had a horrible wind storm last night...well it started in the afternoon, and the whole island's power went out. Pretty much everyone's power went back on last night except my neighborhood and Coupeville. So Luka and I are staying at my buddy Lucas's house. Hopfully power will come on soon and I will have Luka and me write down our survays. Can't wait to come home and have you all meet Luka. Peace out.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Your Linguistic Profile:
60% General American English
25% Dixie
5% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern