Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Guess who's at work right now...me. Yes I do so little, that I have time to tell you all what is going down this month on The Island.....

First things first. I am not going to Nellis(Vegas). I was on the list, but someone from above denied me. I am really disappointed, but I guess it is all for the best finacially. Speaking of which I am flat broke right now. Bills aren't a problem, its just that I buy too much food instead of eating at the galley. I would like to eat at the galley more often, but the food there just isn't that great. But now I have to eat there, so I am suckin it up. Also Japan is a go. I am excited to go there. Finally over 2 years in the navy and I get to go somewhere. I will be there for like 3 months or so. I leave pretty much right after I get back from Christmas leave. I am really looking foward to coming home. I haven't been home since last Christmas. I can't wait to meet Theo for the first time. It is going to be a nice leave before Japan. Although Japan is going to be really fun also.

Well that is the happenings with work. I have started paintballing. I even bought a paintball gun. I haven't used it yet because I had duty last weekend and I am poor. I'm going to try and save me some money while in Japan. Hopfully I can get a good chunk of money and pay off a lot of my car. It would be nice not to have a 225 dollar car payment every month. Well that's about all from me. Can't wait to see everyone.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

I'm 21!!! Well in the wee hours of my birthday I went to not one, not two, but three bars, before i could find one who didn't know washington state law. apparently in washington you aren't leagly 21 until your birthday of the next business day. so oct 13 at 6 am. so me and my buddy chris played, "who knows the law?" we got to the third bar and they didn't know. so i bought me a crown and coke and we left. happy birthday to me. finally i have no age limitations. it feels great.