Thursday, September 22, 2005

Well yet another week here on the island is coming to an end. Not a lot has happened as usual. But I guess I'll fill you all in on what I've been up to.

Work is just work. I still haven't gone anywhere, but that might soon change. Word is that we might be going to Japan for 3 months or so. Pretty sweet huh? And if we go to Japan, that means that before we will have to go to Nellis, AFB. Which if you didn't know is in the great city of Las Vegas, NV!! I already told my Senior Chief that he better take me or I'll cry. haha. I'll also be 21 by then. Only 3 more weeks!! I can't wait. The final age. After this I have no restrictions. I never thought this day would come, but alas. Anywho on to another subject.

So how about this whole Katrina thing? I say the people who had the ability to leave and didn't got what was coming to them. If they seriously thought they could ride out a CAT 5/4 hurricane in a city that is below sea level, they are dumb dumb dumb! Now for the people who couldn't leave, I feel sorry for. As for the white getting food black looting fiasco.....well that's the press's fault not Bush's or Washington's, or whoever else they want to blame. The press is the lowest form of life on earth, and people should know that by now. Ok, I'm done ranting now.

On to some happier news, I'm playing on my squadron's flag football team. Playing football is something I wish I'd done in high school. So I'm glad I'm doing it now. I'm a tackle, as in I rush the QB. Who would of thought? I even bought cleats. Right now we are 1-1, and we have a game Monday. This is one of the things I really look foward to during the week.

Well that's about it for me. Till next time....