Monday, October 16, 2006

Well well well. That's all I got. Christmas leave dates are out. It will be December 18th - December 28th and December 28th - Janurary 8th. I will take the first one cause of Christmas falling on that period. Luka will be coming back with me so yeah, get excited I guess. I concur on the drawing names idea. Leave was fun. Sorry I wasn't around much. I was mainly there for Josh and Val for their wedding. The wedding was nice and I had fun. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

Here is the Groom and his groomsmen. Don't we clean up nice.

Here is the whole gang at the bachelor party. I haven't seen some of these people in awhile. It was fun.

That's about it. My camera was being stupid and I didn't get a lot of pictures. Sad I know. I have this week off cause our squadron went 6 months without getting a DUI! How sad is the navy that we have to get bribed to not drive drunk. Well I'll be going now. Can't wait to see you guys.

1 comment:

TransplantedOkie said...

Quite a handsome bunch!