Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I have a house!! I am so excited. Pictures to come up later as soon as I get internet in the house. Here is the address:

4303 Rhododendron Drive
Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Nice street name huh? Hopfully I will be able to post the pictures on my blogger and not dad's. We will see.

Other than that nothing's happening. I'm going on a command campout next weekend. Should be fun. Luka was going to come but her last GED test is on the Monday after and I won't be able to take her back. Oh well education first. The weekend after that of course Dad and John come up. I'm excited to see them and show them my neck of the woods and my new house. Fun fun fun this month.


Dad on the East Coast said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing you and coming to a Washington where there is no beltway.

TransplantedOkie said...

Woo Hoo!! very exciting!

Erin said...

Yay! I want to send you something domestic! We'll see...