Friday, June 02, 2006

OK so I have been neglecting my blog. Thanks dad for the help. Yes I did make 3rd class. Finally after the 4th try. I'll probably be "frocked" as in be officially a petty officer in 2 weeks. I was stoaked when I found out. Adam's finally moving up in the world.

And yes I have a girlfriend now. Her name is Luka Jean Finchim. I met her at the wedding I was in. I was going to call her the day after the wedding, but she beat me to the punch. We talked for 2 weeks and then I went up and saw her. She lives in Wenatchee which is about a 3 hour drive from the island. The rest is history. She came back with me and stayed with her sister and we spent the week together. Things are moving kinda fast, which she couldn't be happier about. I'm the one trying to slow it down at least a little bit. She is pretty much everything I've been looking for in a woman, which is sweet. Anywho I'll stop there. Maybe someday you'll meet her.

And yes I am looking for a motorcycle to buy. Not a "crotch rocket" but a cruiser bike. I looked at a '04 Harley Sportster last weekend, which is a bit smaller than a regular harley. Ended up not getting it cause they uped the price 500 dollars and the guys wife called me and was being a, pardon my french, bitch about it. So I said no. So now I'm still looking. I need to sign up for the motorcycle safety course on base so I don't have to get my permit and all that riff raff here in Washington. Once I complete it I will have a motorcycle license. Don't worry about me, I will have all the best safety gear and will be super careful. Trust me I'm more scared than you. But excited at the same time. So there you go.

Let's see if I can post some pictures...

NOPE! I hate blogger. Oh well. Sorry people, that's technology for you. Never works when you want it to.

That's about it for me and news. Oh yea I'm going to Alaska for 2 1/2 weeks in July/August. Should be a blast. And I'll be home in Oklahoma June 3-11. Can't wait to see Theo and be at his 1st birthday. Anyways that's it. See you soon!


Dad on the East Coast said...

Great update Adam! Hope you have a great time in Oklahoma. Don't forget to call Luka and let her in on the fun. Wish I could be with you all.

TransplantedOkie said...

Congrats Adam - it is definately your turn!!

Erin said...

Yay! Petty Officer! Yay for getting frocked! Which I think is an AWESOME term for that! Can't wait to see you!

Dad on the East Coast said...

You are neglecting your blog again. I think that Luka needs a bolg too! Let's work on that, shall we?