Me biting it HARD!
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Check out me being dumb. I'm sure one of you will pee your pants watching this. Enjoy.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
It snowed yesterday and today! Because of that I didn't have to work, which is the beez knees. Here are some pictures.

This is the snowman that Morgan built last night.

This is when we found out that we didn't have to work. Morgan was really happy.

Luka and I went to Deceptions Pass and tooks some photos. Pretty huh?
Hopfully it will be the same tomorrow. Not working is awesome. Not too much longer and I will be home for Christmas along with Luka. We are both excited. See ya soon.

This is the snowman that Morgan built last night.

This is when we found out that we didn't have to work. Morgan was really happy.

Luka and I went to Deceptions Pass and tooks some photos. Pretty huh?
Hopfully it will be the same tomorrow. Not working is awesome. Not too much longer and I will be home for Christmas along with Luka. We are both excited. See ya soon.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Hello all. I am speaking to you from beyond the house. Ha Ha! We had a horrible wind storm last night...well it started in the afternoon, and the whole island's power went out. Pretty much everyone's power went back on last night except my neighborhood and Coupeville. So Luka and I are staying at my buddy Lucas's house. Hopfully power will come on soon and I will have Luka and me write down our survays. Can't wait to come home and have you all meet Luka. Peace out.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
Well well well. That's all I got. Christmas leave dates are out. It will be December 18th - December 28th and December 28th - Janurary 8th. I will take the first one cause of Christmas falling on that period. Luka will be coming back with me so yeah, get excited I guess. I concur on the drawing names idea. Leave was fun. Sorry I wasn't around much. I was mainly there for Josh and Val for their wedding. The wedding was nice and I had fun. Here are some pictures for your enjoyment.

Here is the Groom and his groomsmen. Don't we clean up nice.

Here is the whole gang at the bachelor party. I haven't seen some of these people in awhile. It was fun.
That's about it. My camera was being stupid and I didn't get a lot of pictures. Sad I know. I have this week off cause our squadron went 6 months without getting a DUI! How sad is the navy that we have to get bribed to not drive drunk. Well I'll be going now. Can't wait to see you guys.

Here is the Groom and his groomsmen. Don't we clean up nice.

Here is the whole gang at the bachelor party. I haven't seen some of these people in awhile. It was fun.
That's about it. My camera was being stupid and I didn't get a lot of pictures. Sad I know. I have this week off cause our squadron went 6 months without getting a DUI! How sad is the navy that we have to get bribed to not drive drunk. Well I'll be going now. Can't wait to see you guys.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
What a day it is that I can finally post pictures. There will be a few enjoy!

John....this picture says it all.

Here is Dad's "Chandler Bing" smile.

Dad and John skipping stones at the bottom of Deceptions Pass.

Luka and I at Warped Tour 2006. Last year's was better.

I just like this picture of Luka. Cute huh?

In case some of you didn't get to see this picture of Theo and I here it is.

And here is one without the jackets.
Ok so that is all the pictures I am going to put up for now. Even though I would love to suprise everyone I'm too impatient. I am coming home September 28 - October 6 for one of my best friend, Josh's wedding. So I will defiantly come by and visit. Until then bye bye for now.
What a day it is that I can finally post pictures. There will be a few enjoy!

John....this picture says it all.

Here is Dad's "Chandler Bing" smile.

Dad and John skipping stones at the bottom of Deceptions Pass.

Luka and I at Warped Tour 2006. Last year's was better.

I just like this picture of Luka. Cute huh?

In case some of you didn't get to see this picture of Theo and I here it is.

And here is one without the jackets.
Ok so that is all the pictures I am going to put up for now. Even though I would love to suprise everyone I'm too impatient. I am coming home September 28 - October 6 for one of my best friend, Josh's wedding. So I will defiantly come by and visit. Until then bye bye for now.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Here is my new house phone number. 360-720-2325
Not much happening here except for Dad and John visiting this weekend. I can't wait. I'm going to take John rock climbing with my buddy Morgan so I know he will get a kick out of that. Don't know what else I'm going to do. I'll figure something out. Anyways there's my house number, enjoy.
Not much happening here except for Dad and John visiting this weekend. I can't wait. I'm going to take John rock climbing with my buddy Morgan so I know he will get a kick out of that. Don't know what else I'm going to do. I'll figure something out. Anyways there's my house number, enjoy.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Ok here we go pictures of my new home. Cross your fingers.

Here is the front of my house. Pretty sweet huh?

Here is my big backyard that a dog won't be in cause landlord says no.

Here is my front yard.

Here is my living room. Couches are comfy cause I fell asleep on them the other night.

Here is more of the living room. Nice entertainment center with digital surroud sound. Oooo...Aaahhhhh....

Here is my room. Not yet complete. I still need dressors and some other things like an actual bed. But it works for now.
There are more but I am doing this at work. It still doesn't work on my computer. Anyways enjoy!

Here is the front of my house. Pretty sweet huh?

Here is my big backyard that a dog won't be in cause landlord says no.

Here is my front yard.

Here is my living room. Couches are comfy cause I fell asleep on them the other night.

Here is more of the living room. Nice entertainment center with digital surroud sound. Oooo...Aaahhhhh....

Here is my room. Not yet complete. I still need dressors and some other things like an actual bed. But it works for now.
There are more but I am doing this at work. It still doesn't work on my computer. Anyways enjoy!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I have a house!! I am so excited. Pictures to come up later as soon as I get internet in the house. Here is the address:
4303 Rhododendron Drive
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Nice street name huh? Hopfully I will be able to post the pictures on my blogger and not dad's. We will see.
Other than that nothing's happening. I'm going on a command campout next weekend. Should be fun. Luka was going to come but her last GED test is on the Monday after and I won't be able to take her back. Oh well education first. The weekend after that of course Dad and John come up. I'm excited to see them and show them my neck of the woods and my new house. Fun fun fun this month.
4303 Rhododendron Drive
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Nice street name huh? Hopfully I will be able to post the pictures on my blogger and not dad's. We will see.
Other than that nothing's happening. I'm going on a command campout next weekend. Should be fun. Luka was going to come but her last GED test is on the Monday after and I won't be able to take her back. Oh well education first. The weekend after that of course Dad and John come up. I'm excited to see them and show them my neck of the woods and my new house. Fun fun fun this month.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Big news in Adam world. I have been approved for Single BAH/BAS which in normal people terms is money to live out in town and money to buy groceries! So I now have ten days to move out of the barracks and I have just started looking for places to live. Until I find a place I am going to live with my buddy Morgan. His roommate is on the boat for 2 weeks so he says I can crash there until I find a place. Exciting stuff!
Luka is doing fine. Today is our two month anniversary. I'm taking her out tomorrow night since I have to work tonight. That should be fun, I know she's looking forward to it since I'm the first boyfriend to actually do something like that. We are planning to come back to Oklahoma for Christmas, as in both of us. So that should be an awesome time. I know she's excited to meet all of you crazies!
Well that's about it for me. I'm not going to Alaska anymore cause I got yoinked off the list cuz the navy is poor, so that sucks. That's it though. Hope to see everyone soon.
Luka is doing fine. Today is our two month anniversary. I'm taking her out tomorrow night since I have to work tonight. That should be fun, I know she's looking forward to it since I'm the first boyfriend to actually do something like that. We are planning to come back to Oklahoma for Christmas, as in both of us. So that should be an awesome time. I know she's excited to meet all of you crazies!
Well that's about it for me. I'm not going to Alaska anymore cause I got yoinked off the list cuz the navy is poor, so that sucks. That's it though. Hope to see everyone soon.
Friday, June 02, 2006
OK so I have been neglecting my blog. Thanks dad for the help. Yes I did make 3rd class. Finally after the 4th try. I'll probably be "frocked" as in be officially a petty officer in 2 weeks. I was stoaked when I found out. Adam's finally moving up in the world.
And yes I have a girlfriend now. Her name is Luka Jean Finchim. I met her at the wedding I was in. I was going to call her the day after the wedding, but she beat me to the punch. We talked for 2 weeks and then I went up and saw her. She lives in Wenatchee which is about a 3 hour drive from the island. The rest is history. She came back with me and stayed with her sister and we spent the week together. Things are moving kinda fast, which she couldn't be happier about. I'm the one trying to slow it down at least a little bit. She is pretty much everything I've been looking for in a woman, which is sweet. Anywho I'll stop there. Maybe someday you'll meet her.
And yes I am looking for a motorcycle to buy. Not a "crotch rocket" but a cruiser bike. I looked at a '04 Harley Sportster last weekend, which is a bit smaller than a regular harley. Ended up not getting it cause they uped the price 500 dollars and the guys wife called me and was being a, pardon my french, bitch about it. So I said no. So now I'm still looking. I need to sign up for the motorcycle safety course on base so I don't have to get my permit and all that riff raff here in Washington. Once I complete it I will have a motorcycle license. Don't worry about me, I will have all the best safety gear and will be super careful. Trust me I'm more scared than you. But excited at the same time. So there you go.
Let's see if I can post some pictures...
NOPE! I hate blogger. Oh well. Sorry people, that's technology for you. Never works when you want it to.
That's about it for me and news. Oh yea I'm going to Alaska for 2 1/2 weeks in July/August. Should be a blast. And I'll be home in Oklahoma June 3-11. Can't wait to see Theo and be at his 1st birthday. Anyways that's it. See you soon!
And yes I have a girlfriend now. Her name is Luka Jean Finchim. I met her at the wedding I was in. I was going to call her the day after the wedding, but she beat me to the punch. We talked for 2 weeks and then I went up and saw her. She lives in Wenatchee which is about a 3 hour drive from the island. The rest is history. She came back with me and stayed with her sister and we spent the week together. Things are moving kinda fast, which she couldn't be happier about. I'm the one trying to slow it down at least a little bit. She is pretty much everything I've been looking for in a woman, which is sweet. Anywho I'll stop there. Maybe someday you'll meet her.
And yes I am looking for a motorcycle to buy. Not a "crotch rocket" but a cruiser bike. I looked at a '04 Harley Sportster last weekend, which is a bit smaller than a regular harley. Ended up not getting it cause they uped the price 500 dollars and the guys wife called me and was being a, pardon my french, bitch about it. So I said no. So now I'm still looking. I need to sign up for the motorcycle safety course on base so I don't have to get my permit and all that riff raff here in Washington. Once I complete it I will have a motorcycle license. Don't worry about me, I will have all the best safety gear and will be super careful. Trust me I'm more scared than you. But excited at the same time. So there you go.
Let's see if I can post some pictures...
NOPE! I hate blogger. Oh well. Sorry people, that's technology for you. Never works when you want it to.
That's about it for me and news. Oh yea I'm going to Alaska for 2 1/2 weeks in July/August. Should be a blast. And I'll be home in Oklahoma June 3-11. Can't wait to see Theo and be at his 1st birthday. Anyways that's it. See you soon!
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Well I just took my 3rd class test for the 4th time and I feel pretty good about it. I think I just might make it.
Also exciting note, I am going to the Sasquatch Music Festival memorial day weekend. I can't wait!! For those of you who know these bands marvel at this awesome lineup:
Friday: Nine Inch Nails and others i don't know.
Saturday: Ben Harper, The Flaming Lips, The Shins, Iron and others one being Tim Seely! Time to get some money, har har.
Sunday: Beck, Death Cab for Cutie, Queens of the Stone Age...and others.
definitely taking leave just in case for those 3 days. I'm also going to warped tour in july. Went last year and it was a blast.
Not much going on this weekend cuz i have duty, which has gotten worse. Now we muster(take roll) and clean 3 times a day! A bunch of crap if you ask me. I can't wait to get back to Whidbey so we can go back to the old ways. This means that I'm going to miss my first St. Patty's Day as a 21 year old! Probably for the best. Anywho that's about it from Japan. 30 more days till I come back to the states. Also thanks Andrea, Sam, and Theo for the cookies, bear, and pringles. Might not make it for Theo's first though :( We are going to the boat for a week right around that time, but we'll see. I'm gonna figure it out by Monday. Hope to see you all soon.
Also exciting note, I am going to the Sasquatch Music Festival memorial day weekend. I can't wait!! For those of you who know these bands marvel at this awesome lineup:
Friday: Nine Inch Nails and others i don't know.
Saturday: Ben Harper, The Flaming Lips, The Shins, Iron and others one being Tim Seely! Time to get some money, har har.
Sunday: Beck, Death Cab for Cutie, Queens of the Stone Age...and others.
definitely taking leave just in case for those 3 days. I'm also going to warped tour in july. Went last year and it was a blast.
Not much going on this weekend cuz i have duty, which has gotten worse. Now we muster(take roll) and clean 3 times a day! A bunch of crap if you ask me. I can't wait to get back to Whidbey so we can go back to the old ways. This means that I'm going to miss my first St. Patty's Day as a 21 year old! Probably for the best. Anywho that's about it from Japan. 30 more days till I come back to the states. Also thanks Andrea, Sam, and Theo for the cookies, bear, and pringles. Might not make it for Theo's first though :( We are going to the boat for a week right around that time, but we'll see. I'm gonna figure it out by Monday. Hope to see you all soon.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Pictures Part 2!!

Me and my friend Jimmy at a Shrine.

This is the paintball field. I've gone a couple of times. Fun stuff.

This is the train I took from Iwakuni to Hiroshima.

Here is Hiroshima itself, well from the train at least.

Here is a watch that froze during the A-bomb.

This is the fairy I took to Miwajima.

Here is me in my sexy slippers. We had to wear them inside this little place. I wanted to take some home, but I couldn't.

Me in front of the OSU Shrine. GO POKES!!

Me, Bez, Mike, and my LPO Lovell in front of the beer machine with some 40's. Cool picture I think.

Don't look at the monkeys or they will bite your arm off. Of course I didn't see a single one. I was sad.

Me holding his giant boulder up. It was very heavy.

Me petting a deer.
Well there's more, but there's a summary. Hope you enjoy. I'll tell story later.

Me and my friend Jimmy at a Shrine.

This is the paintball field. I've gone a couple of times. Fun stuff.

This is the train I took from Iwakuni to Hiroshima.

Here is Hiroshima itself, well from the train at least.

Here is a watch that froze during the A-bomb.

This is the fairy I took to Miwajima.

Here is me in my sexy slippers. We had to wear them inside this little place. I wanted to take some home, but I couldn't.

Me in front of the OSU Shrine. GO POKES!!

Me, Bez, Mike, and my LPO Lovell in front of the beer machine with some 40's. Cool picture I think.

Don't look at the monkeys or they will bite your arm off. Of course I didn't see a single one. I was sad.

Me holding his giant boulder up. It was very heavy.

Me petting a deer.
Well there's more, but there's a summary. Hope you enjoy. I'll tell story later.
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Well I've now been in Japan for over a month. Two more to go. It has gone by fast. I've been working a lot lately, so I haven't been able to get out in town other than those first two times.
1st Time: We went to Kintai Bridge/Castle. It was pretty cool. We first just walked off base and just looked around. Mostly it is just a bunch of stores with American clothes to buy and some bars. We got down to a 7-11...yes they have them here...and we got a taxi to the bridge. It's basically an old bridge and goes across a river and then you can take a tram up to a museum. Go a lot of cool pictures and I am going to try and post them again this week. Before we went up to the castle we ate at this random restaurant. It was good, I had this noodle soup with rice wrapped in seaweed. Good stuff. All in all it was a good time.
2nd Time: We went out a different gate and walked all the way to this 5-story mall. The first story was a supermarket, and each floor had different things: clothes, toys, electronics, food court. We then walked to a outlet mall type of place, but it was all closed, so we wondered some more and ended up at a Japanese version of Best Buy. After that we started walking back towards base and of course there wasn't any cabs on the way back. Needless to say I was one tired pup after that walk.
Haven't really had a chance to go out since. Working a lot and been too tired. Maybe the weekend after next we won't work and I won't be on duty. Anyways that's about it from me. Hopfully I'll have some pictures up for you all this week. Take care.
1st Time: We went to Kintai Bridge/Castle. It was pretty cool. We first just walked off base and just looked around. Mostly it is just a bunch of stores with American clothes to buy and some bars. We got down to a 7-11...yes they have them here...and we got a taxi to the bridge. It's basically an old bridge and goes across a river and then you can take a tram up to a museum. Go a lot of cool pictures and I am going to try and post them again this week. Before we went up to the castle we ate at this random restaurant. It was good, I had this noodle soup with rice wrapped in seaweed. Good stuff. All in all it was a good time.
2nd Time: We went out a different gate and walked all the way to this 5-story mall. The first story was a supermarket, and each floor had different things: clothes, toys, electronics, food court. We then walked to a outlet mall type of place, but it was all closed, so we wondered some more and ended up at a Japanese version of Best Buy. After that we started walking back towards base and of course there wasn't any cabs on the way back. Needless to say I was one tired pup after that walk.
Haven't really had a chance to go out since. Working a lot and been too tired. Maybe the weekend after next we won't work and I won't be on duty. Anyways that's about it from me. Hopfully I'll have some pictures up for you all this week. Take care.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Your personality type is SLOAN
The largest representation of your personality type can be found in the these U.S. cities: Charlotte, Harrisburg, Cleveland, Memphis, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Richmond, Philadelphia Area, Greenville/Spartanburg, Reno, Indianapolis and these international countries/regions Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Turkey, Taiwan, Iceland, Hong Kong, South Korea, Portugal, Philippines, India, Guam, Canada, England, Indonesia, Japan
City Reviews at
:-( no OKC. Weird Japan's on there though.
I agree with this one, plus i love the movie.
I am a little leary of this one though...
Goodies...I like Twix, Chocolate Chip cookies, M&M cookies, sugar cookies, brownies, pretty much most sweet things without nuts. I'm not a nut lover. I like pringles(regualr of sour cream/onion), wheat thins(regular). But those are the specifics. I'd enjoy whatever you send me. I tried to get the pictures to work, but alas not on the free computers. Once the compter in my shop gets hooked up i'll try there. Love ya!
I am a little leary of this one though...
Goodies...I like Twix, Chocolate Chip cookies, M&M cookies, sugar cookies, brownies, pretty much most sweet things without nuts. I'm not a nut lover. I like pringles(regualr of sour cream/onion), wheat thins(regular). But those are the specifics. I'd enjoy whatever you send me. I tried to get the pictures to work, but alas not on the free computers. Once the compter in my shop gets hooked up i'll try there. Love ya!
Friday, January 20, 2006
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Well I'm here in Japan. Sorry it took me so long to let you guys know. Been busy busy. Let me give you the run down.
We got on the plane Tuesday the 10th around 1030 and left. It was a ginormous plane to which I had my own row. We flew up to Anchorage, Alaska to re-fuel. We got to get off the plane too for about a hour. There was a bar in that concourse and they actually let us our uniform! I was surprised about that. Then again its not like we were going to get hammered or anything. So we got back on the plane and about 8 1/2 hours later we land in Japan. We get off the plane and are bused to our hanger where we go through "customs". Drug dog sniffs our luggage, and they look through our carry-ons. We then get bused to our barracks and get checked in. Compared to most barracks I've been in this one is pretty crappy, but my room is nice. I have my own room and the floor has 2 community bathrooms. Not too shabby. I also bought a 13" TV from the marines leaving in the barracks next to us for 10 bucks and a surround sound computer speakers for 25 that plugs into my ipod. By the way I paid off my best buy credit card and then bought an ipod with it. I'm awesome.... Anyways after I got all checked in and changed a few of us went out to the exchange to get some supplies. We then came back and went to bed. The past few days have been easy cause we have no jets, so its just been indoc stuff and unpacking our tools and whatnot. Haven't been out in town yet, but might today (Sunday) if I can get a hold of my liberty card. Me and a couple of guys are going to this bridge and a castle. Time to get some awesome pictures. I'll probably call you guys here soon. My buddy has a phone in his room and long distance is only 4 cents a minute. Well I'm going to say goodbye for now. Love you all and hope to talk to you soon.
We got on the plane Tuesday the 10th around 1030 and left. It was a ginormous plane to which I had my own row. We flew up to Anchorage, Alaska to re-fuel. We got to get off the plane too for about a hour. There was a bar in that concourse and they actually let us our uniform! I was surprised about that. Then again its not like we were going to get hammered or anything. So we got back on the plane and about 8 1/2 hours later we land in Japan. We get off the plane and are bused to our hanger where we go through "customs". Drug dog sniffs our luggage, and they look through our carry-ons. We then get bused to our barracks and get checked in. Compared to most barracks I've been in this one is pretty crappy, but my room is nice. I have my own room and the floor has 2 community bathrooms. Not too shabby. I also bought a 13" TV from the marines leaving in the barracks next to us for 10 bucks and a surround sound computer speakers for 25 that plugs into my ipod. By the way I paid off my best buy credit card and then bought an ipod with it. I'm awesome.... Anyways after I got all checked in and changed a few of us went out to the exchange to get some supplies. We then came back and went to bed. The past few days have been easy cause we have no jets, so its just been indoc stuff and unpacking our tools and whatnot. Haven't been out in town yet, but might today (Sunday) if I can get a hold of my liberty card. Me and a couple of guys are going to this bridge and a castle. Time to get some awesome pictures. I'll probably call you guys here soon. My buddy has a phone in his room and long distance is only 4 cents a minute. Well I'm going to say goodbye for now. Love you all and hope to talk to you soon.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
OK here are my new years seven things.
7 things that happened in 2005 that changed your life for the better
1. I'll go with the rest of my family and say Theo. He's a great kid.
2. I guess I'll say that I got my security clearance. that will help out a lot on the outside.
....there wasn't a lot of changes that happened in my life this year.
7 things that happened that could of been better
1. the navy
2. the vegas det. i was supposed to go, but got screwed.
3. the security clerance fiasco is too many
7 things that you want to see happen in 2006 all for the better
1. the navy
2. my spending habits
3. i'd like to meet a girl
4. figure out what i'm gonna do after the navy
...that's all i can think of
ok there is mine, now for some pictures.
7 things that happened in 2005 that changed your life for the better
1. I'll go with the rest of my family and say Theo. He's a great kid.
2. I guess I'll say that I got my security clearance. that will help out a lot on the outside.
....there wasn't a lot of changes that happened in my life this year.
7 things that happened that could of been better
1. the navy
2. the vegas det. i was supposed to go, but got screwed.
3. the security clerance fiasco is too many
7 things that you want to see happen in 2006 all for the better
1. the navy
2. my spending habits
3. i'd like to meet a girl
4. figure out what i'm gonna do after the navy
...that's all i can think of
ok there is mine, now for some pictures.
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